ToolsHub is a FlexNet Manager Suite (on-premises) companion application with a web-based interface developed specifically for L-IT GmbH.

FlexNet Manager Suite allows organizations to calculate an accurate license compliance position and streamlines license management processes through automation. Software reuse, through automated license reclamation, helps defer new license purchases.

This software implements such tasks as:

  • Personalized dashboards (with runtime generated widgets, allows adding new widgets without code modification)
  • Processed tasks historization
  • Scheduling repeatable tasks
  • License allocation automize
  • E-mail notifications based on the compliance data
  • Custom reporting
  • Authentication (ADDS, ADFS, OpenID)

New features are still in progress 😉

Used Technologies

  • ASP .NET Core 5 (WebAPI)
  • Angular 12 (TypeScript)
  • Dapper (ORM) + SqlKata
  • Swagger
  • SignalR
  • Quartz.NET
  • MailKit
  • Razor Engine (used for email template generation)
  • GitLab CI / CD